On June 10 at 12:00 in Warsaw General Assembly of the founding members Eurasian Chamber KZ-EURO-PL took place. In addition to the creation of the organization, the structure itself and goals, which will be systematically realized, were selected.
The meeting took place as planned. The initiator of the meeting, the ambassador of Kazakhstan Erik Utembajew spoke first. Then, at the Center for Banking and Financial Nowy Świat, creation of the structures began. Members of the Board and members of the Audit Committee were selected. One of the members was a representant of the Solaris Diesel Dual Fuel.
What is the purpose of our involvement in this project? Kazakhstan is one of the strongly growing markets in terms of technology and ecology. The largest cities in Kazakhstan have problems with smog. Most of the transportation is dependent on diesel. Solaris Diesel Dual Fuel is offering innovative technology gas/diesel, which can make a real impact on reduction of exhaust emissions and lower operating costs.
Eurasian Chamber of KZ-EURO-PL can simplyfy and accelerate the carrying out of investments in Kazakhstan. Assembly was attended by the Ambassador of Kazakhstan and representatives of the Embassy, representatives of the Polish government and private investors.