Dual Fuel Fusion is not only the company of automotive enthusiasts, but also music lovers. Last couple of years we are cooperating with jazz band Dixie Company, supporting its career, attending to the concerts and other occasions.
One of the main events, hosted by Dixie Company, is Poznań Old Jazz Festival. Which has become a permanent part of the cultural calendar of Poznań. Its first edition happened in 2009. The role of main organizer constantly plays Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszenie Jazzu Tradycyjnego „Dixie Club”. Since 2015 the festival takes place in shopping mall Stary Browar in Poznań.
Dual Fuel System amongst the sponsors
This year, the 15th anniversary edition of the Poznań Old Jazz Festival took place. The Dual Fuel Systems company had an honour to be one of the sponsors of the event. We are glad that we could contribute to the organization of the festival. We were eager to participate, interact with higher culture and live music enthusiastically applauding the artists.
Wide range of attractions
Poznań Old Jazz Festival 2023 has begun with New Orleans parade, which happened on Półwiejska street. Parade participants started from the Stary Marycha statue and went into the direction of Stary Browar mall.
Later that day art enthusiasts could admire the painting exhibition, inspired by jazz music. It was organized by Nowa foundation.
On stage we could see European jazz bands like: Alice in Dixieland (Netherlands), The Jungle Jazz Band (Niemcy), Swing Melody (Czech Republic) or Happy Jazz Band with guest vocalists Agnieszka Różańska and Sebastian Stieler (Poland). Of course, there was the Dixie Company. Musicans of Poznań performed with distinguished guests – Miłosz Gawryłkiewicz, Hellen Yurkevich, Yarema Kaminskij and Genio Prokip.
There were also attractions for the youngest. The festival included the Little Jazz Academy and an art competition. Children’s works later decorated the stage.

Source: https://oldjazzfestival.pl/
2023 the year of jubilees
This year edition was jubilee not only for the festival, but for the Dixie Company too. The band had its 30th anniversary. Three decades of musical activity let the musicians travel almost all around the world and play e.g. in Sacramento Music Festival, International Dixieland Festival Dresden and Jazz Am See. To this day Dixie Company recorded 6 CDs, with guest jazz stars like Diane Davidson or Donny Brown.
Wonderful sounds enriched last Saturday
Sponsoring the events like this is very important for our company. It is a chance to have a direct impact on promoting higher culture in our surroundings. We are glad that we could participate in organisation of such event, that made last Saturday so much better for so many people – including our employees.
This year festival edition was an amazing success. It has attracted many music enthusiasts – both those who went specifically to the festival and random gallery customers – and it provided a lot of fun. We can’t wait for next year’s edition.