POL-ECO-SYSTEM 2015 Trade Fair


On 28-30 of October at the Poznań International Fair grounds, we’ve taken part in the POL-ECO-SYSTEM trade fair. Our SOLARIS DIESEL DUAL FUEL product was presented in the Clean Energy Exhibition and in the Ecological Town showroom.

The POL-ECO-SYSTEM trade fair are a continuation of previous Poleko, Minicipal Technologies, and Municipality and Train Station exhibitions. They are now organized under one name and new formula. Particular attention, during this fair, was put on sustainable development, that is actions joining economic development and improvement of natural environment. This is a direction of development, that is very close to us, because SOLARIS DIESEL DUAL FUEL system offers our customers savings on fuel costs and reduction of emissions. The Clean Energy Exhibition presented clean energy production technologies and energy saving technologies. Our product has been classified into this showroom and thanks to that, during almost a week of exhibition, we could present the system in its ecological spectrum. For many visitors it was a surprise, that having a vehicle with a Diesel engine, you can actually have a vehicle that is very ecological.

In the Ecological Town, where we have been invited by PGNiG Retail, we have presented our product under the Methane Zone, which aimed to introduce and popularize CNG as alternative fuel. The biggest challange to this type of fuel is development of infrastructure, as interest in CNG is huge, and that we have witnessed first hand during many conversations during the fair.

The Pol-Eco-System trade fair was not only business meetings and new business contacts, but also a lot of fun during presentations of ecological solutions. During those several days, there were presentations of local municipalities and ecological institutions, which have educated not only student from schools, but also business representatives visiting the exhibition. The next POL-ECO-SYSTEM trade fair will be held next year at the beginning of October.

By |2023-08-04T09:23:11+02:002015-11-03|Bez kategorii|0 Comments

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