Transport industry is the one of the foundations of our civilisation as we know it. It is amazing, that we can buy the same nail polish, no matter if we currently are in Poznan, Warsaw, London or Mexico. Who is responsible for this astonishing, global success? Transport industry of course!

The journey of the product – from the factory to the shelf in the supermarket can be long and last for thousands of kilometres. How is this possible, that this nail polish is available in Berlin and in Shanghai in reasonable prices in both places? It is all thanks to hard work of many people, who fight for the transport costs optimalisation, meanwhile trying to make some profit for their companies.

Hard work of the transport company

Fuel Fusion in transport commpany - advantages

Companies, working in the transport industry, are operating in specific rhythm. Every day they are struggling with difficult conditions on the road, strict deadlines and huge price pressure. How can they make profit in situation like that? They have to make savings and reduce the costs. One of the main expences is, of course, the fuel.

The cost of the fuel influences everything

There is no tangible product, that you can make and deliver to the customer, without using transport services. You have to transport e.g. plant fertilizers, electronic parts, flour for bread and every detail or component. Therefore, transport costs affect literally every product on the market and are ultimately passed on to the end customer. Optimization of these costs is in the interest of each of us.

How the transport company can lower the fuel costs?

It is very simple. You just have to consider price differences between different fuels. For example, diesel oil is in Poland about twice expensive as LPG. How the transport company can use that?

You just have to choose profitable connection of two fuels – Fuel Fusion. The system allows you to replace part of diesel consumption with much cheaper gas (LPG or CNG). The level of replacement varies on average between 20-30% (LPG) and 40-50% (CNG), generating savings of 10% or more of fuel costs. What’s more, the gas binds some substances and increases the temperature in the engine, making the fuel burn more fully. As a result, the emission of particulate matter and carbon dioxide is significantly reduced.

How to reduce diesel costs? Fuel Fusion!

Is Fuel Fusion worth it?

A transport company that has a fleet of ten trucks, may initially install Fuel Fusion in only one vehicle, to see what savings it will bring. Let’s say that the vehicle does an average of 100,000 kilometers per year. Considering that a truck burns about 35-40 liters per 100 km, it burns about 35-40 thousand liters of diesel fuel per year. If we use Fuel Fusion LPG in the truck, the annual fuel consumption will drop to about 25-27 thousand liters of fuel. It is not difficult to imagine how much savings the installation will bring. But hey! There is an important question! How the investment will pay off itself? With savings like that? It will only take couple of months.

It doesn’t stop at that! After some additional months it will help you to save money for the installation in another truck. Then two vehicles will give you twice as much savings and will help you to get money for Fuel Fusion installation in next machines in your fleet.

After some time, every truck in your fleet will be equipped with Fuel Fusion and your company’s costs will be lowered by about 10%. Such savings will help increase the company’s income or compete more aggressively with competitors who are also looking for savings at every turn.

Costs optimization is the key to profitable transport

If you want to stay ahead of the competition and offer favorable prices, you need to look for solutions that will allow you to reduce costs and compete more effectively with the competition. Fuel Fusion is an opportunity you can’t miss.

Want to know more? Contact us. Call +48 535 200 057 or write at